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 احدث نوسخة وندوز فستر

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ذكر عدد الرسائل : 183
العمر : 46
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/08/2008

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مُساهمةموضوع: احدث نوسخة وندوز فستر   احدث نوسخة وندوز فستر Icon_minitimeالسبت سبتمبر 13, 2008 11:13 pm


احدث نوسخة وندوز فستر Vistamigrationcover Free Windows Vista Migration Guide
Get your free copy of the Analyst Perspectives Consensus Report on Best Practices for Migrating to Windows Vista. This 18-page special report summarizes analyst perspectives, opinions, and recommendations on several key aspects of Windows Vista migration.
Learn what leading firms like Gartner, Forrester Research, the Yankee Group and many others have to say about:

Best Practices for the pre-migration Phase
Best Practices in the Testing and Deployment Phase
Best Practices in the Post-migration Phase

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You'll also receive a free subscription to IT Business Edge, the technology intelligence agent that keeps you updated on all your business technology concerns. Select your IT Priorities below to determine your IT Business Edge newsletter subscriptions and claim your free Analyst Perspectives Consensus Report on Vista Migration!

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Learn More About IT Business Edge!
IT Business Edge is a technology intelligence agent that updates subscribers on developments related to their most critical IT priorities. As a subscriber, you'll receive these valuable benefits:

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Plus, check out these special Windows Vista resources available to subscribers on the IT Business Edge site:

Windows Vista Resource Center
Windows Vista Upgrade Resource Center
The Microsoft Hardliner Blog

Start your free subscription by choosing your weekly reports below as you claim your free Analyst Perspectives Consensus Report on Vista Migration!
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